Our regular Stated Communications are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from September to June at 7:30pm, and all our events are shown on the Lodge calendar.
Glen Burnie Lodge History

Glen Burnie Lodge No. 213 was founded by Bros. Albert Hamlen, William Kuethe, and Jacob F. Obrecht. An organizational meeting was held at Bro. Hamlen’s house on February 5, 1920 and was attended by Bros. James H. Croggan, William McGinnis, George Wood, Frank Roesler, Robert E. Kindred, and Bradley T. Shipley. A motion was made, seconded and carried and a committee formed to wait on the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Maryland Charles C. Homer, Jr. for the purpose of petitioning for a dispensation to charter Glen Burnie Lodge. A Charter was issued May 10, 1921, authorizing Glen Burnie Lodge No. 213 A.F. & A.M.

Glen Burnie Masonic Temple is located at the corner of 1st Ave and Crain Hwy S in Glen Burnie. The Temple was designed and built by Bros Obrecht, Kuethe, Clyde Fritz, and George Livingston with the help of many of the membership. The Cornerstone was laid by the Grand Lodge of Maryland on December 10, 1921 and the 40 x 80 building completed in 1923.

Membership in Glen Burnie Lodge is open to all men who are at least 18 years old and believe in a power higher than themselves. If you are concerned about qualifying for membership, contact us anyway. The spirited men of Glen Burnie Lodge have lived adventurous and unconventional lives, and many have a “past.” These men have been admitted to our fraternity and we enjoy their brotherhood.